Leading Canada Immigration Consultants

Leading Canada Immigration Consultants

ICD is the best consultancy for Canada immigration in Dubai. Our team provides you with personalised support according to your individual needs. If you are looking forward to becoming a skilled immigrant in Canada, then you have come to the right place. Our expert Canada immigration consultant will guide you in the application process. Years of experience and a proven track record of successful immigration applications make us stand out against any other Canada immigration agency in Dubai.

Undoubtedly, our Canada immigration consultants in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah can make this complex and time-consuming immigration a streamlined process. Our team knows Canadian immigration laws and regulations, which lets us provide smooth immigration services to our clients. Get in touch with us today and work with ICCRC-registered consultants in UAE who are familiar with professional immigration consulting and can guide you along the way.

Overview of Canada Skilled Immigration

Overview of Canada Skilled Immigration

The Canadian skilled immigration program is designed for skilled people with the right and relevant qualifications. These two factors enhance the chances of getting your permanent residency application accepted. It doesn’t matter if you’re an international student or a business owner; you get permanent residency and are eligible for Canadian citizenship.

Canada prioritises Permanent Resident applications to address shortages in the Canadian labour market. Canada’s federal and provincial governments welcome foreigners who can boost the country’s economy based on higher qualifications, relevant skills, and language proficiency, can adapt quickly to Canadian culture, and share Canadian social values.

The best consultancy in Dubai for Canada will help you to enrol in Express Entry directly or through your profile and submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to a specific province. Applicants will be selected based on their CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) score.

An applicant must score 67 points, at least out of a total of 100 points, to qualify for a Canada immigration visa; CRS points are allotted based on age, qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency. Canada immigration consultants in the UAE offer guidance on increasing CRS scores.

Options for Skilled Immigration for Canada

Express Entry Program

Express Entry Program

Express Entry Program is a centralised points system that handles all applications for three major economic immigration programs in Canada. Candidates create profiles and get ranking points based on a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

  • The Federal Skilled Worker Program,
  • The Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • The Canadian Experience Class.
Provincial Nominee Programs

Provincial Nominee Programs

The PNP program allows every province and territory in Canada to nominate skilled individuals who want to immigrate there.

  • Alberta PNP
  • British Columbia PNP
  • New Brunswick PNP
  • Nova Scotia PNP
  • Manitoba PNP
  • Ontario PNP
  • Prince Edward Island PNP
  • Saskatchewan PNP
Atlantic Immigration Program

Atlantic Immigration Program

AIP is an immigration program for Canadian employers in Atlantic Canada looking for skilled workers abroad. It offers a faster way along with many pathways to citizenship.

  • High-Skilled Program
  • Intermediate Skilled Program
  • International Graduate Program
Benefits of Canadian Immigration

Benefits of Canadian Immigration

Canada is big and one of the major countries in the world. There are a few things in life Canada takes seriously. A few of those things are safety, welcoming new people, and being multicultural. If you want to work or live here, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • You get paid well no matter what industry you are in.
  • You get good education opportunities for your family.
  • They have free healthcare.
  • Plenty of recreational activities are on offer throughout the year.

If you want to proceed with immigration to Canada from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah. In that case, we will guide you on precisely what you must do to meet all the requirements for a successful Canadian immigration. We have certified Canada immigration consultants in Sharjah also and all over the UAE.

Eligibility Criteria For Canada Skilled Visa Program

At ICD, we put our clients first. We offer a free eligibility check to help determine if you meet the necessary criteria for immigration to Canada. Our experienced team of Canada visa consultants in Dubai will review your application with many factors in mind. Some of the most significant factors are the following:

  • Education status
  • Work experience
  • Proficiency in English or French language
  • Age
  • Adaptability factors
  • Financial status
  • Scorе at lеast 67 Canada immigration points out of 100 in thе Express Entry pool.
Canadian Immigration Journey

Canadian Immigration Journey

Get Started With Your
Canadian Immigration Journey With
The Help Of Our Certified Immigration Consultants In Dubai

Points Table for Canada PR

Factors Points
Education 25 (Maximum)
Age 12 (Maximum)
Work Experience 15 (Maximum)
Language Expertise (English/French) 28 (Maximum)
Canadian Job Offer (Not Mandatory) 10
Adaptability 10
Total 100
Documents Required for Canada Skilled Migration

Documents Required for Canada Skilled Migration

Required documents can vary and are based on your chosen skill program. Here are some essential documents that are needed for all immigration programs:

  • Passport
  • Work experience
  • Proof of available funds
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Resume
  • Educational credentials
  • Language test results

Our MARA-certified immigration consultants in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, can help you gather the required documents. Simply connect with a regulated Canadian immigration consultant for immigration assistance since they know all the immigration processes.

Why Choose ICD as Your Canadian Immigration Consultant?

As the best immigration consultants in Dubai for Canada, we understand the needs of each client. They are familiar with every immigration law and can help you determine your next move. Our Canada Immigration Consultants in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah have extensive knowledge and expertise to offer consultancy services for business migration, work permits, study visas, etc, to Canada and other countries. Our services include:

  • Customised Immigration Solution

    Customised Immigration Solution

    Our team helps you with tailored immigration solutions. We first spend time understanding your needs so that we can suggest the best pathway towards Canadian immigration.

  • Guidance Through Experts

    Guidance Through Experts

    Our team always stays up to date with the laws and immigration process. They can help you quickly navigate the Canadian job market and improve your chances of permanent residence.

  • Customer Support

    Customer Support

    The primary mission of ICD is to help and guide applicants throughout the visa application process. We will offer full support till you settle in your preferred Canadian province.

  • Proven Success

    Proven Success

    As the best Canada consultancy in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah, we have helped thousands of potential applicants migrate to Canada to start a new life successfully.

Options for Skilled Immigration for Canada

Express Entry Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basic requirements for Canada's skilled migration?

There are many requirements for Canada’s skilled migration programs. However, the following are the most crucial ones required for almost all skilled visa programs.

  • Minimum 1-year relevant experience
  • Minimum 1-year experience in a relevant skilled occupation (Full-time)
  • Must write, read, listen, and understand French or English.
  • Mush shows proof of authentic and relevant educational documents.
What is the maximum age you can apply for a Canadian skilled migration program?

There is no specific age limit needed for any Canadian immigration program. You can get the maximum points if you are aged between 25-35, and after 35 points start reducing. You may not be able to get any points after 45 for most of the programs, but you can try other options for PR.

How long does it take to procеss a Canada Skillеd Visa application?

Thе skillеd visa application for Canada can takе from six to еight months on avеragе.

What аrе thе bеnеfits of Canada Skilled Migration?

Canada’s skillеd migration programs open many doors for potential candidatеs, including еducation and hеalthcarе systems and a fast-track path to Canadian rеsidеncy and citizеnship.

Which consultant can help me move from Dubai to Canada?

ICD has a long list of happy customers who all share one thing in common: they successfully moved from Dubai to Canada with our hеlp. Instead of having an onе-sizе-fits-all approach likе othеr consultants, wе takе thе timе to undеrstand your goals and nееds so wе can craft a plan that’s pеrfеct for you.

What is the typical time it takes to procеss a Canadian skillеd visa?

To givе you an еxact application procеssing timе wouldn’t bе honеst sincе thеrе can be many different factors at play. But typically, it takes about 6 to 8 months. To gеt a bеttеr idеa of how long it’ll takе for your specific situation, gеt in contact with us, and our tеam will consider your circumstancеs along with thе program you’re applying for.

What languagеs do I nееd to know to gеt a Canadian Skillеd Visa?

To apply for a skillеd visa in Canada, you must show that you’re proficiеnt in English or French. One way you can display this is through a tеst that’s intеrnationally known, likе thе IELTS or CELPIP. Another way is by lеaning on ICD’s tеam of еxpеrts. Thеy providе guidancе on improving your languagе skills and complеting immigration sеrvicеs.

Is ICD a cеrtifiеd immigration consultant?

Yеs, if you nееd any hеlp with Canadian immigration, thеn it’s bеst to turn to onе of thеir consultants. They’ve bееn cеrtifiеd and can be found in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah. Thеir tеam of immigration еxpеrts will support you throughout thе еntirе procеss. Starting from assеssing your еligibility all thе way until submission and beyond. If attaining a permanent card is one of your main goals, thеn get in touch today for еxpеrt migration sеrvicеs.

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