Australia Work Permit Options from UAE

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (Subclass 482)

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (Subclass 482)


The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa is for skilled workers coming to Australia to work. Under this visa, you can stay in Australia and work for your employer. You’ll also need your skills to align with a job title in the relevant skilled occupation list.

Key Features:

  • 4 Years Temporary Stay
  • Employer sponsorship is necessary.
  • Occupations should be on the list of skilled occupations
  • Options for renewal are available.
Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (Subclass 186)

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (Subclass 186)


This is a permanent Australian work visa for skilled workers. You can apply for it in several different ways: Temporary Residence Transition, Direct Entry, and Agreement. With this visa, you need an employer to nominate you for a permanent position in Australia.

Key Features:

  • Australian PR opportunities
  • Employer nomination is mandatory.
  • Many streams can fit as per various scenarios
  • Best for long-term career plans
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)


Targeted at skilled individuals with in-demand qualifications, the Subclass 189 visa offers permanent visa residency based on a points system that includes age, skills, English language factors.

Key Features:

  • Australian PR without any employer sponsorship.
  • Points-based system.
  • Demanded skills must be listed on the skilled occupation list.
  • Best option for long-term settlement.
Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 191)

Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 191)


This is for skilled migrants who have lived and worked in a designated regional area on a relevant provisional visa. Offers a pathway to permanent residency.

Key Features:

  • Australian PR in regional areas.
  • Qualification for a related provisional visa.
Skilled Work Regional Visa (Subclass 494)

Skilled Work Regional Visa (Subclass 494)


This is for skilled workers to live and work in designated regional areas of Australia for up to five years. It is employer-sponsored and offers a pathway to permanent residency.

Key Features:

  • Allowed to reside and work for up to 5 years in designated regional areas.
  • Employer sponsorship is a prerequisite.
  • Pathway to PR via the Subclass 191 visa.
Talent Visa (Subclass 858)

Talent Visa (Subclass 858)


The Subclass 858 visa is for people with distinguished talent or outstanding achievements in their area of expertise. A permanent work visa is a direct pathway to permanent residency.

Key Features:

  • A direct way to Australian PR.
  • Recognition of extraordinary talent with significant achievements.
  • No need for employer sponsorship.

Visa Selection

Identify the most suitable visa category for your employment in Australia. Common options include the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS), Working Holiday Visa, or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS). Choose one that is in line with your job and long-term career goals.

Job Offer

Secure a job offer from an Australian employer. Employer sponsorship is often mandatory to get a work permit from UAE to Australia. Ensure your skills and qualifications match both those required by the employer and those outlined by the Australian Department of Home Affairs.

Skills Assessment

Certain professions require a skills assessment carried out by relevant Australian authorities. Ensure your qualifications and work experience meet Australian standards for your chosen occupation. This Australia work permit application support could save considerable time later on.

English Language Proficiency

Demonstrate proficiency in English by acquiring recognized language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE. Effective communication in an Australian workplace is dependent on satisfactory language skills.

Health & Character Check

Undergo mandatory health examinations to meet health standards that are necessary to apply for an Australia open work permit from UAE. Also, provide evidence of good character through police clearance certificates from all countries you have lived in for over 12 months in the past 10 years.

Proof of Financial Capacity

Show evidence of your financial stability. Provide evidence to show you have enough funds to support yourself when you arrive in Australia. This will include accommodation, living expenses, and potentially return travel, excluding the typical Australia work permit cost in Dubai.

Visa Application

Lodge a complete Australian visa application through the Australian immigration system. Take note of the specific documentation required for your chosen visa category and confirm all details are accurate and up-to-date.

Why Australia is the Best Choice for Career Growth in 2024?

Australia is the ultimate destination for the stellar career growth of 2024. The Thriving job market, diverse industries, and a high quality of life let your professional journey take immigration flight smoothly and swiftly.


Thriving Job Market

Australia's robust economy means there's a wealth of job opportunities across the board. In tech, healthcare, finance, and beyond, Australia has a spot for talents of all interests.

Diverse Industries

Australia's wide range of industries cater to all manner of career aspirations. Whether you're looking for an innovative start-up or are more interested in established corporations, it's a dynamic work environment that fosters creativity and growth.

Quality of Life

It is not only just about career prospects; Australia delivers when it comes to ensuring a flawless work-life balance. With stunning beaches and landscapes, vibrant cities, and a warm, welcoming culture, it's not just a job; it's a lifestyle upgrade.

Global Networking Hub

Australia is a unique gateway to the entire Asia-Pacific region. You can locate yourself in a country that prides itself on being a part of a developed country that provides a wide range of opportunities.
Why Choose Our Australia Work Permit Services?

Why Choose Our Australia Work Permit Services?

Experience a transformative global journey with ICD as your dedicated Australia work visa consultant. Our certified experts with extensive knowledge ease you through the complete migration process. We offer tailored solutions that are as unique as your needs, whether that’s pursuing new job opportunities, educational aspirations, or reunifying with family members.

At ICD, our commitment to you goes beyond mere consultation. Comprehensive work permit services, from your initial assessment to post-landing support, ensure your journey is seamless. Stay ahead of evolving immigration laws and regulations with our up-to-date knowledge, and benefit from our transparent approach every step of the way. Your success is our success, as seen by our many successful client outcomes. Choose ICD as your trusted Australia work permit assistance in unlocking a world of international opportunities.

FAQs – Australia Work Permit from Dubai

What is the cost of Australia work permit in Dubai?

The typical Australian work visa cost is around 4,000 AUD (Australian Dollars). However, it varies differently depending on the nature of the visa; for example, a skilled regional visa costs 360 AUD.

How can I decide on the Australia visa option from Dubai?

There are plenty of visas available for Australia from Dubai. You need to be specific about your purpose, whether it’s for a visit, work, reunion, or immigration with the family. Our MARA-certified agents will help you understand and choose the best-fit Australian work visa option for some significant results.

Can I apply for my family members under my Australian work visa?

Yes, you can include family members (spouse, partner, and dependent children) in your application. However, there are specific requirements and conditions. The member of your family unit must satisfy the requirements of your visa, must not have an outstanding debt to the Australian Government or have arranged to pay it, and must meet mandatory health and character requirements. You will find all conditions in the Partner, child or another family visa (subclasses 100, 309, 801, and 820).

Are there any specific financial requirements to apply for a work permit in Australia?

It is not mandatory, but a good idea to show proof of financial stability since your work permit might not pose specific financial requirements. The home affairs do find it pertinent to know that you are able to support yourself and family members, if any, in your initial stay in Australia. This includes evidence of access to sufficient funds for airfares, personal or other support for the purpose of legal arrangements for their maintenance, area of residence, and temporary field workers.

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